Wednesday, April 12, 2006

LIVE BLOG: NEO African American Cultural Center: A New Networked Hub of Collaboration

Dr. Michelle Spain, talks about the Myers University Minority Business Contractors Assistance Program available to entrepreneurs.

Discussion: Get people together around the idea of supporting many efforts to strengthen collaborative networks.

5:46 Nancy Johnson, Dir,. African American Museum, talks about the museum in Cleveland and other museums in Ohio. We also review the article about national museums and the challenges they face for support and funding. Do the challenges go back to segregation and lack of social connectivity? There are many different circles of support that need to be connected. The African American Museum is connected to many large institutions in University Circle. To be a stand alone is difficult. We need to develop new ways of supporting the African American Museum. This heritage is valuable to all generations. The Museum will develop a virtual presence. The walk and see tour is in the past for museums. It is going to talk much more: collaboration, forums, etc. We need to think smarter: it is more than just building a building. There is an accute competition for money and support dollars.

Question and answer for Nancy:

Is the Museum open only seasonally? The Museum is open seasonally. Hosted a Jazz Celebration last season.
Would UCI support a museum not in University Circle? The Health Museum is closing.
Is there an opportunity to talk with the owner of the Underground Museum?
Will the Museum post information about the Museum board?

Comment: The Pittsburgh Museum collaborated with many other organizations in that city. With 60% African American population in NEO there should be a leading organization cultivating history.

What is a vision of a Cleveland Cultural African American Center?
- Existing model
- Parameters
- Sustainability
- Local resources
- Collaborative actions
- Board og African American cultural organziations

How does the emerging African American entrepreneurial network connect with other parts of the community who can help them do what they need to do?
- through organizations such as CAAO, the univerisities, colleges and libraries
- articulating vision, focus
- showing that there is supportive collaboration. Build trust and respect.

What do you see as issues and opportunities around developing collaborations in the community?

- develop a clear and cohesive strategy
- assessment of capabilities and resources
- lack of an appreciation of a culture of achievement
- fragmented social, economic and education networks
- behave in ways that build trust and respect

- be more efficient with human/fiscal/material resources
- employ new economic models
- through networks, penetrate institutions and communities
- open new entrepreneurial opportunities
- expand geographical area to global connections
- diversity, multiculturalism, global citizenry

What have we learned? What is the value of designating a third party to identify the opportunities? What is the shared vision? What are the visions for technology, walkability, brand....

Can there by new models created to support museums and/or cultural centers?

Next forum in 6 weeks.


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